Friday, February 28, 2020

Performance Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Performance Management - Essay Example Purposes of Performance Management in Relation to Business Objectives The first purpose of performance management as documented by Armstrong (215) would be concerned with performance improvement aimed at achieving individual, team and organizational effectiveness. This indicates the need for organizations to get the right things executed successfully. Its second purpose is in developing employees. Effective continuous development processes enhance the capabilities of individuals and teams so as to enhance organizational core competencies. Communication and involvement encompass the last purpose of performance management which aims at encouraging dialogues between the managers and their respective teams so as to define expectations and share organizational mission, values and objectives. Components of Performance Management Processes Performance management describes a process where understanding on the targets and the achievements would be shared. The process involves planning where job accountabilities together with performance measures would be established. It involves the understanding of behaviors and creation of development plans. Secondly, the coaching component of this process involves discussion based on the on-going feedback and an individual’s talents. The last component, review, encompasses formal review of behaviors, job accountabilities, overall rating and development plans. ... Relationship between Motivation and Performance Management While most organizations have average workers, competitive organizations motivate their average workers. While intrinsic motivation would cause one to be driven by the satisfactory feelings associated with executing a task well, extrinsic motivation emanates from the desire to achieve specific outcomes. Generally, motivation would take place if people expect that an action would lead to attainment of a particular goal. Considering Vroom’s expectancy theory of motivation, valence, instrumentality and expectancy comprise the three motivational forces. While valence describes the attractiveness of the outcome, instrumentality refers to the extent to which improved performance would result into the desired outcomes and expectancy refers to the perception of the extent to which increased effort would cause increased job performance. Motivation would result when there is a perceived relationship between performance and outco me, and that outcome serves as a means to satisfy needs (Shields, 33). Secondly, the equity theory of motivation observes the tendency in people of making social comparisons with regard to their earnings (Shields, 34). An employee would compare his or her input at work against the outcome with consideration of his or her counterparts. The employee would then seek to correct any perceived inequality. Other than income:outcome ratio, the employee could also consider effort:reward and contribution:reward ratios. Therefore, organizations need to carry out research to appropriately match performance management activities with motivators. Purposes of Reward in Performance Management Process

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Introduction to Social Sciences (inequality based on race) Essay

Introduction to Social Sciences (inequality based on race) - Essay Example A community incorporates people who share a common characteristic inclusive of a geographical area and traditional values. Patterns of racial segregation are not natural outcomes. According to Law (2013), racial discrimination will act as a proponent that will indicate the relationship of inequality and the society. The social mechanism will also explain the interconnected social attributes create persistence in racial difference. The paper will focus on the power and the global community aspects of social sciences with the aim of understanding the world better. Social inequality is a scenario that occurs through the uneven distribution of available resources in the community. In the case of inequality based on race, the skin color acts as the dominating factor in the allocation of resources. The issue of racism has been on the rise given the continued increase in the interaction among individuals from different nations. As a result, human welfare all around the world faces patterns of inequality that is recurrent in nature. For instance, cities around America exhibit racial discrimination to African Americans from the east coast to the west coast. Bonilla-Silva illustrated that the boundary of racism is very legible in the U.S as the black community find it very hard to get jobs and access quality education as compared to the Americans (2013). Racism dates back to the ancient age where people simply disliked certain attributes of a particular culture. Right from the upbringing, parents warned children against associating with some races. The media also participated in re-enforcing racism into the minds of individuals. The mentioned factors made the co-existence of people of different ethnicity and skin color in the society unbearable. With time, the nature of hatred turned into a foundation of prejudice. The outcome of the stated social practice is that